Semantic Dementia is a very rare disease and is closely
related to Alzheimer’s disease. People with this disease have an impaired
ability to understand the meaning of words. They have a hard time putting
together or understanding a full concept. This disorder is caused by the
shrinking of the frontal and temporal lobes in the brain. This disease is
really rare because it is a result of damage to the temporal cortex in both hemispheres
and not just one.
It is quite an interesting disease because the person can understand
what is being talked about or can recognize someone but will not be able to verbalize
what it is. In other words they have lost the connection between the words and the
object. Some people cannot remember what they have learned and therefore don’t
understand what it is they are seeing or hearing. For example they my see a
skirt and when asked to pick out a skirt they may pick out a pair of pants. The
word meaning is lost. Some other symptoms include loss of muscle control, inability
to show empathy because of lack of conscious control, and the repeating of
words from memory. Unfortunately like Alzheimer’s, there is no cure for
semantic dementia but some suggest taking anti-depressants to minimize the
aggressiveness of the disease.
It must be very frustrating to not be able to hand someone
what they ask for because you don’t know what the word attached to the object
is. It’s kind of like being asked to get something for someone who is speaking
a language you do not know. You must used context clues or see where they are
pointing or staring to try to understand the word meanings but sometimes it isn't enough.
I like the lady in the video, she seemed so happy about her hair. It was sweet but her disease isn't all that sweet at all. I wonder if its frustrating to them to pick the incorrect object or do they believe what they chose was correct? These diseases are very difficult to be with and it just makes it worse that there is no cure only ways to minimize the effects.