This week I was really interested in sleep disorders. One new condition that got my attention was
Sexsomnia. I had never heard of this condition until now and after doing some research I found that it has recently been accepted as a legal defense in some rape cases. Sexsomnia is a condition where a person who is asleep engages in sexual behavior, either with a partner or by masturbating, and do not know they are doing it. The reason they might not remember is because it occurs during non-REM sleep after dreaming about a sex in REM sleep. So as they drift out of REM sleep into the time where no dreams are happening, and that is where the sexual behavior occurs.
Sexsomnia or "sleep sex" usually involves another person who is unaware that the person is asleep and sometimes engage in sex willingly with them however, people who are simple sleeping next a person with this condition can end up being forced to have sex with them. People who have this will wake up in the middle of the night and find themselves having sex unknowingly and be ashamed, embarrassed, and tend to have difficulty keeping relationships. Men are more likely to try an have sex while women tend to masturbate and moan.
This condition is apparently more common than previously believed to be. And even though it is said to be more common in children, the reason might be that adults are more sexual and therefore, not reported as often.
After hearing about this I was afraid that it will come to be used often as a fake excuse to not be sent to prison for rape but the article that I got my information from says that by using a Polysomnograph to measure brain waves, they can determine if a person is prone to episodes of sexsomnia.
There is still a lot about this new condition that is unknown but most say that this condition could be caused by stress as well as other triggers like: sleep deprivation, alcohol, and other drugs. Some say that even taking medication for other sleeping disorders like sleep apnea can cause someone to get sexsomnia. I hope that more research is done on this condition so that it isn't falsely diagnosed in sexual abuse cases.